First "Jesus Festival" Fun, Food and Hope to SSembule Slum!
Yesterday, (May 19, 2023) the team of Ugandan Christians in Kampala orchestrated a gathering of over four hundred adults and children in Ssembule slum of Kampala. These Christians welcomed twenty volunteers from Kampala Christian churches to help with food preparation, games and presentation of the good news of the Gospel. Since food is a daily uncertainty and survival is the daily vision, games and food are quite an excitement. Because our team has built relationships in this slum for seven years, the mothers and children trust them. When the good news of the Gospel was presented, twenty-three precious people surrendered to Christ. Many of these are controlled by drugs and by the need to sell their bodies for food. The PHU team will stay in their lives and continue to build on our Savior's sacrifice so that each person might know our Father's love.